Headmaster rapes 4 female nursery school pupils in Enugu
A headmaster is now at large after raping four female pupils between the ages of 5 and 6. The victims, who attend the Early Child Care session of Migrant Framers Children School (MFCS), Aguibeje, Enugu Ezike, Enugu State were lured into the bush by their headmaster with the promise that he will give them first positions and buy them gifts, Orientdaily reports. Once in the bush, he defiled the girls. The incident reportedly happened on July 17, 2018. The act was exposed after the mother of one of the victims spotted blood stains on her daughter. The girl then opened up to her mother and told her how the headmaster inserted his finger in their private parts. An angry mob went in search of the headmaster but he succeeded in escaping with the help of the leader of the neighbourhood watch, it was alleged. Medical tests conducted on the pupils showed evidence of penetration, but to further conceal the truth, the leader of the neighborhood watch al...