America Is Doomed Under Trump, Says Man Who Predicted 911 Attack & Fall Of The Berlin wall
Johan Galtung, a sociologist and Norwegian professor, who rightly made several predictions, among them being the 911 attack, the fall of the Soviet Union and the Tiananmen Square uprising, has predicted that the world’s super power will collapse while Trump is in the white house. Long before Trump won the election or even contested for that matter, in 2000 Galtung predicted the US global power will collapse come 2025, but he later revised the year of the collapse to 2020. Galtung is convinced his prediction is materialising following the election of Donald Trump. One of the final phases of the decline of the US predicted in the professor’s 2009 book, The Fall of the American Empire – and then What?, coincides with the anti-immigrant platform on which Trump’s campaign was built. In the book, Galtung forecasts the rise of fascism before the country’s power receded and this is already playing out with Trump promising to deport millions of illegal immigrants and build a wall along the Amer...