Young girl shares before and after photo of her father after a domestic fire accident in Lagos

Nigerian Instagram user and make-up artist Yvonne took to Instagram to share her testimony after the recovery of her father who was involved in a fire accident a year ago. Her post below: "I don't like to do this but I made a promise to God and I have to keep it. That's my dad exactly one year ago & later. I remember my mum calling and saying "your dad was in a fire accident at home" and that he was driving to the hospital. I didn't think it was anything serious until I saw this picture alongside other gory ones. I remember going straight to the hospital in Lagos from ph. I remember opening the hospital room and running back cos I didn't recognise him on the bed. I remember crying my eyes out and praying to God to spare him for us. Today, I am extremely grateful to God for keeping you dad. I watch and see that you still hurt a bit but never show it. You are the strongest person I know and I am so proud to be yours. Love you so much da...